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Frequently Asked Questions

EV Tribe


Is every workout recorded live?

Yes, each and every workout is recorded as a full live workout. They are all instructor led with clear demonstrations to ensure correct technique.

What if I can’t make the scheduled live time?

Every workout is saved and posted to the page once it is complete. There is no pressure to make the live workout. You can make it work for you and get the workouts done when convenient.

Are there any extra workouts?

Yes, there are plenty of workouts to choose from. There is a whole catalogue for you to choose from and plenty of extra challenges and shorter workouts too.

Do I need a lot of equipment?

No, you don’t. All you would need is an internet connection and a bit of space. It’s very easy to improvise with house hold items should you not have any weights at hand yet. As a starting point, I would recommend a weight of choice wether than be a kettlebell or a dumbbell  and a resistance band.

What if I’m not fit enough?

Everyone was a beginner at some point. Every ability is welcome on board the tribe and I always offer a scaled version or an alternative to each exercise to make sure everyone is happy and catered for.

What if I’m unsure of form or technique?

At the beginning of each session, I explain the structure of the session and take you through detailed demonstrations. During the workout, I will give reminders to ensure correct technique is being performed. Many questions occur during the sessions also and there is plenty of opportunity for you to ask anything you’re unsure of.


Will you be able to see me during the workouts?

Unlike zoom, instagram live only allows you to see me. All I see are you comments and questions below the live workout.

When can I join the tribe?

You can subscribe to the tribe at any given time. You do not have to wait for the beginning or the end of the month to get started.

How do I join the tribe?

To subscribe, just click the button below choose a plan and complete the checkout.


Is there a contract?

There is no contract involved. You can leave at any time. Payments are made via standing order and this is taken via the website.

Can I re-join the tribe?

Of course you can. The door is always open and you are always welcome back on board the EV tribe.

Is there a cancellation policy?

Should you wish to cancel your subscription, I kindly ask that you send an email to notify of your cancellation in order to be able to maintain effective management of the page and website.


Ready to Join the Tribe?

FAQ: Text
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